Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy July Long

I have had absolutely no time to write on this glorious Canadian and American birthday long weekend, though apparently have had lots of time to drink G+Ts, to play way too much Scrabble [okay there is no such thing as way too much Scrabble, especially if one plays quashes for 50 extra points and then miraculously gets another s-tile and gets to play squashes on a subsequent turn much to the chagrin of the other highly skilled players (yeah okay, teen-aged kids)], and to read moronic stuff such as month old newspapers and charming husband's sailing porn.

[Charming husband can be found most nights flipping through glossy magazines or cruising the 'net shamelessly for full-colour pictures of bare-boats with exposed sterns and rigid headstays all the while daydreaming about lots of grinding and having a tight grip on the tiller. Really, the things I put up with.]

So nothing to say, except to point out the most delectable story of the past week (courtesy of The Onion):

God Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder!
NEW HAVEN, CT–In a diagnosis that helps explain the confusing and contradictory aspects of the cosmos that have baffled philosophers, theologians, and other students of the human condition for millennia, God, creator of the universe and longtime deity to billions of followers, was found Monday to suffer from bipolar disorder.

For the full story visit:,348/

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