Why this Blog will Fail/About Me

The List:

a) Having never written a single word in a diary or journal (even as a kid), I can't possibly imagine why I'd keep this up now.

b) I am secretly disdainful of anyone who claims they are "getting an English lit" degree in order to write fiction ('cause, don't you know, that's not the point).

c) There are way more interesting/time wasting things to read/view on the 'net, for instance, porn.

d) Clearly, this kind of SAHM/D blog has been done to death. (Aside: for the unenlightened SAHM/D = stay at home mom/dad.  You probably all know that, but until I started blogging, I thought it had something to do with S&M and was, confession, kinda intrigued by all those moms and dads.)

e) Despite the fact that one would think having an addictive personality might translate into commitment:  it doesn't.

f) I already broke the cardinal rule of anonymous blogging and directed a few people to my site (you know who you are; get out of here), so, clearly, confessions will have to stop or get very fictional.

g) I'm bored already.

Who I really am

* a self-employed SAHM of 4 teenage girls, wife of a fab husband, a voracious reader, a movie/TV addict, a sports nut (should have been born a guy could sit on the couch all day every Saturday level nut) who is presently in mid-life crisis mode as an almost full-time student. Oh yeah, and notorious flirt, bad tease and all 'round up-for-trouble maker...and, then there's the fictional part. [Yeah, yeah there are some of you who will know which stories are true.